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This Month, We Remember Our Brothers Who Perished In The Line of Duty 155, 130, 125,120, 105, 90, 85, 80, 75, 60, 45 and 35 Years Ago

155 Years

June 7, 1866

FF Daniel Heartt, Engine 8 Rig struck by train.

130 Years

June 6, 1891

Captain Cornelius Manning, Engine 6 Incident address: 263 W 12th Street

125 Years

June 7, 1896

FF Cornelius Kerin, Engine 18 Fell from Pompier ladder.

120 Years

June 2, 1901

FF Daniel Riordan, Truck 9 Fell through Pole Hole.

105 Years

June 4, 1916

FF Nicholas Wilberscheid, Engine 57 Incident address: 1700 N Damen.

90 Years

June 29, 1931

Captain John Moran, Engine 44 Incident address: 140 S Kedzie.

85 Years

June 17, 1936

FF Maurice Moloney, Engine 30 Flee through Pole Hole.

80 Years 

June 30, 1941

FF Adolph Worokis, Engine 48 Incident address 220 E 41st Street.

June 16, 1941

FF Henry Bodenlos, Engine 4 Incident address: 900 W Ogden.

FF George Michalski, Engine 3 Incident address: 900 W Ogden.

FF Norris Coulombe, Engine 42 Incident address: 900 W Ogden.

75 Years

June 5, 1946

Battalion Chief Eugene Freemon, Battalion1 Incident address: LaSalle Hotel Fire.

60 Years

June 26, 1961

Lieutenant Edward Shanley, Engine 15 Incident address: 8153 S Stewart.

45 Years

June 17, 1976

FF Thomas Lambert, 4th Division Hdqrtrs. Incident Address: 818 W Exchange.

35 Years

June 3, 1986 

FF Teddy Jezuit, Engine 9 Incident address: O’Hare Field .

June 16, 1986

Lieutenant Robert Liesz. Engine 124 Incident address: 4753 N Avers.